
The Mirror Never Lies



9 Years
05-12-2016, 08:12 PM

The weather was beginning to cool off and for a fluffy arctic wolf like Creed it felt amazing to him. Granted winter was always the best for him, but he'd happily settle for the autumn weather over summer any day. While he rested he attempted to calculate a plan of action of where he'd be traveling next, but in all honesty he wasn't quite sure on where he wanted to go from here. He needed to go home, but he didn't quite want to yet. Surely he could get away with being gone a few days longer.

He hadn't been sitting long when the sound of another approaching caught his attention. The paw-steps seemed somewhat light and it wasn't long until a scent accompanied it. Fiori. He realized. It seemed he wouldn't have to find a way around this new pack to go meet one of the pack's members. Teal eyes turned towards the woman and he studied her for a moment. She was mostly white with only a few brown markings to stand against the ivory color. He took note that she was about the same age as him but he was positive that he'd never met her before.

"Hello, stranger," He remained seated as he felt rather comfortable in her presence. She seemed friendly enough if the wagging tail and calm demeanor were anything to go by. "Odd place to stop for a rest." He smiled at this and shook his head softly.

"Not really." He chuckled. "Ah would have gone another route but it would seem a pack has sprung up in mah way." Perhaps she knew of it. They were close by after all and he had to admit he was curious. "Ah'm Creed Ancora." He'd offer his introduction, realizing he had yet to say it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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