
Don't find her



9 Years
05-12-2016, 09:37 PM

The male had to admit he was still a bit curious about the pack that had taken up residence near Fiori. He hadn't stopped to check it out knowing he had needed to return home, but the thought remained in the back of his head nagging at him. Curiosity was a funny thing like that and he knew it'd be a while before he'd forget about it. Still it felt good to be home and the distraction of his duties was always welcoming.

The howl at the borders caught his attention and though it wasn't for him he still felt the need to make an appearance. By the time he got there though he noticed Surreal wasn't there and it took him a moment to realize that she was sick. There was that and the fact that she was heavily pregnant by this point and probably wasn't feeling up to Alpha duties. It wasn't the first time he felt like this, but he was glad that he was able to be helpful to her.

The male that had called was one he'd never seen before, but to his surprise he realized that he held the scent of the new pack that he'd wanted to check out. The brute was a tall being at that standing at the same height as Regulus. The two colored eyes and the white eye patch were interesting as well, though his height was certainly the most eye catching thing about him. He was sure he'd never met this man before though. He'd remember it if he did.

"Greetin's." He offered with a polite smile as he came to a stopping point not far from the male. "Ah'm Creed, Surreal's Right Wing. I know ye didn' call fer me bu' she's unable ta come at tha momen'. Can Ah help ye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]