
Unsteady Return



06-14-2013, 12:52 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the story of how the injury had come about now known, the healer only responded with a polite nod before turning and padding off across the meadow in search of whatever she would need. Watching her go, Ashtoreth sighed, still mentally kicking herself for her folly. It was all so stupid! All it had taken was one moment of inattention, one time for her to let her guard down just a little too far, and the wolf had taken advantage of that slip. Still she couldn't fathom what had set him off. She had only been wandering beside the river, and he had been the one to approach her. And yet she could still hear his accusations, claiming her to have been following him for whatever reason that only he could understand. Best just to let it go, the petite grey wolf thought. Dwelling on it was going to get her nowhere.

She happily set the thoughts aside as Eris returned, the plant she had sought carried firmly yet gently within her jaws. It hardly looked like anything particularly special; for all she knew Ash could have been passing it on every hunt that she went on without even realizing its presence of significance. The healer set them gingerly on the ground beside her, the grey wolf's skeptical eyes following and settling on them as her ears perked to listen to Eris's instructions. Eat them? She was right; that didn't sound all that enticing. But if it would help then who was she to object? Well, as long as it works. Her two-toned eyes shot upward with a half smile and nod of understanding before she stretched her neck forward and grabbed a small mouthful of the plants. Quickly she chewed, letting the taste of the plant seep into her mouth before she hurriedly swallowed in an attempt to get the deed done and over with quickly. As she saw it, the faster she ate the plants, the faster the pain in her leg would lessen.

Already the tiny healer was taking in the severity of her wound, and of course the other's close proximity to it only caused her to tense. As much as she wanted help, she knew touching it, even gently, would cause pain. But rather than delve right into what she might need to do next, Eris asked about a stream to wash it in first and Ashtoreth searched her memories for one that might be conveniently close. "I think...I think there might be," she responded thoughtfully, raising her head and trying to crane it above the grass to glance away but to no use. She hesitated a second before sighing and carefully dragging herself to her paws, knowing she would need to move in a moment anyway. "If memory serves, there should be one this way," she answered after a moment of getting her bearings, inclining her head in the direction she thought the stream to be. "I should be able to get there," she added, her expression resolute. It would be somewhat of a chore, but it was definitely possible.

Realizing after a second that there was little sense in the other leading being a visitor and unfamiliar with the land, the injured she-wolf held her hind leg up gingerly and hobbled toward where she suspected the stream to be. It wasn't too far, though travel was obviously less comfortable and easy than it otherwise might have been. When the pain jarred her, Ash would clench her jaw but make no further sign of discomfort than that. No matter the pain, she needed to do this anyway. And eventually she did spot it, the waters trickling along quietly through the grasses, cutting a shallow, slim path for them to use. "Will this do?" Ashtoreth questioned the healer, glancing her way as she sought her opinion. She hoped it would, eager to have her leg treated and taken care of.

OOC: Tero lost muse for the thread, so I'm sort of pretending Ookami just went off on her hunt and didn't return. x3