
Don't find her



9 Years
05-16-2016, 04:07 PM

It was intriguing to see how far the reach of the Adravendi's was. It seemed like the family was everywhere, even if they weren't all blood related, and the male realized he liked that. It made him somewhat envious to think that Surreal had so much family. Out of his blood relatives there weren't a whole lot of them left. If he hadn't waited so long to actually think about settling down that might have been a different story; but, in reality the Adravendi's might as well have been extended family for himself too considering he felt like Surreal and her children were kin to him.

He liked the fact Rivaxorous seemed so level headed for his age. Not many younger wolves would make good leaders but the brown mammoth before him appeared to be the exception. Family was a good reason for an alliance, but he wasp leased that the other male was content to wait until he talked it over with Surreal. There was no point in rushing in to anything quite yet and he'd make sure to seek Myriad's alpha out after they'd discussed it. The thought of staying among Myriad's wolves was an exciting thought. He hadn't gotten to scope the place out the last time he'd been there, but he was curious to learn more about the pack itself. Even if it was only to sate his curiosity.

"Ah'm glad I got tha chance ta meet ye too Riv. Ah had actually been up yer way not too long ago. I was goin' to Donostrea to find Locha's family, a sick friend Ah've let stay here, an tell them she was alrigh' bu' when Ah got there tha pack was gone. Ah was gonna go ta Fiori bu' Ah came close ta yer borders and stopped." He paused to smile at the male. He was glad he'd finally figured out who'd staked a claim to the lands he'd originally intended to go through. "Say, ye haven' seen any of tha old Dono members, have ye?" He doubted he'd get an answer he liked, but it was worth a shot, right? For Locha's sake at least.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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