
Break Away



06-14-2013, 01:39 AM

She would never know what the future would hold, but that didn't stop her from being excited about it. Fear of the unknown would run rampant through her when she thought about the future before he came along. Now she had a future to look forward to with him, their whole lives lay ahead of them. They could start a family and live happily ever after. Her smile widened as she thought of the prospects.
Time would continue to pass as the dark she wolf described so eloquently. She didn't think she would be able to say it any better than she could. She hoped everything she said would come completely true. She could feel the mood shift to something more euphoric, they were enjoying their memories too much. Her tail continued its happy tapping as Silent answered her earlier question.
She listened intently as the midnight lady let her have a taste of her history. She was sure that it was something she should treasure. She was almost unsure of asking the question after she saw that small change in the she wolf's demeanor. It was quickly over with as she continued the story. Song wonder silently what might have happened to them. "What a wonderful love story you've lived." Her smile still sat upon her lips. She just hoped that hers would be as wonderful. Her and Cherokee, forever after. "Do you still see your children? That is one aspect of adulthood i'm a bit nervous about. Childbirth frightens me." She divulged the information to Silent, something she had never told anyone before.
