
It can't be perfect again

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-17-2016, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2016, 01:19 PM by Kaitlyn I.)
It was hardShe felt so uncertain of her future... What lay ahead. She missed her siblings, yes, but could she face them? In a sense she had betrayed them all, seeking their mother out when Ren and Nixie needed her by their side. Zephyra had gone with Riv, with their mother’s blessing and then... Everything fell apart. She didn’t understand. She wasn’t sure she wanted to anymore.

She lingered in the south, perhaps in hopes that she might catch a glimpse of one of her siblings. Kait longed to see them again, even if she didn’t voice that desire aloud. She drifted, still not entirely well herself. Her sickness, more of the mind and heart than the body, was one that wouldn’t be cured by staying alone. Somewhere deep within Kait knew that... But there was part of her that didn’t know if she was ready to go back to the way things were just yet.

The girl lifted her head, a scent on the breeze giving her pause. At first Kait wanted to dismiss it as simple longing and nothing more. But then it grew stronger, coming her way. Kaitlyn rose from the grasses, her green gaze searching the landscape for the form of her sister. Then she saw her. Zephyra -- there was no mistaking that figure. She frowned with uncertainty, a whine given at the sight of her larger sister. Part of her wanted to run to Zeph and bury her head in her shoulder... And the other just wanted to lie down... To pretend that she hadn’t seen her at all.

Kait was torn, watching the figure of her larger sister. It was only a matter of time before she spotted her.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.