
Take me somewhere new



6 Years

05-17-2016, 09:49 PM

An amused grin would cross her face as he teased. Of course she believed he hadn't stolen milk from a pup. Quiet and solitary as he was, she would never see as the type to go out of his way to hurt or take advantage of others. She couldn't help but to giggle when he spoke, enjoying this humorous side of him that she had discovered. She didn't expect that he would always be like this, but to discover the mysteries he held was exciting. And the fact that he felt comfortable enough to open up around her, of all people, warmed her insides.

For a small period of time, silence was between them. It wasn't awkward though, it was merely a thoughtful quiet. Then he would speak again, mentioning that they could hunt frogs tomorrow if she wanted. To her that would be delightful, especially if he'd join her. But hopefully neither of them would be going into the pond - it was difficult to dry off and warm up with all this rain. "You can pretty much guarantee that I will always want to hunt for frogs," she said with another giggle, "But don't worry, tomorrow we'll really be stuffing ourselves on something worthwhile." She hoped he realized frog hunting wasn't the only thing she was interested in; and his participation with her wasn't the only reason she enjoyed his company so much. He didn't have to hunt frogs with her if he didn't want to. Although she would certainly have to admit that she'd loved his company during her silly hunting games, and she wouldn't try to convince him not to join her.

When she finally confessed that she wanted to stay with him, to share all of her time with him, he would say nothing. But Esa was not left wondering as he draped his head over the back of her neck. She closed her eyes comfortably and leaned into him, realizing how close they'd become, their bodies entangled with one another. It seemed that only moments ago they'd been awkwardly trying to give each other space, and now neither of them desired any distance at all. It was truly magical. Then his voice would come again, and she felt a thrill ripple down her body as his deep tone resonated within the small cavern, even though the whisper of his voice seemed only to reach her ears. "I like the sound of that. Just don't change your mind in the morning. That would really bum me out." She'd smile at first, and then felt a light frown pull at her lips. His statement had been made as a joke but it seemed to really expose his internal feelings. Still, she'd remain silent as she allowed him the opportunity to say more, to really express what was on his mind and in his heart, and he indeed would let the words flow from his maw.

It would seem that he was truly afraid. He'd been abandoned before, and he expected nothing less from her. She wanted to assure him that she had no intention of leaving. But how could she prove it? She knew from experience as well that others could appear to be your friend, and it could seem as though the good times would never end. But then it could all be over in a heartbeat; you woke up one morning and you were left alone, without a soul to relate to. It was an awful feeling. She didn't want to do that to Steel, and she couldn't see him ever doing that to her. Did she trust him that much? In her heart, the answer was a definite "yes". From her position next to him with his neck draped over her neck, Esarosa would roll onto her back so that she could gaze up at him, her forepaws gently, slowly lifting until they reached up over the back of his neck in a soft embrace.

"Steel... I swear, I'll never disappear on you," she'd begin with some uncertainty, her voice soft and somewhat shaky, "Please... promise me the same. I want to stay together with you. Not just tonight, but for as many seasons as we're alive. Wherever life takes us... I don't want to go if you're not with me." There, she said it. She'd exposed her heart, and left him in charge of the rest. She had wanted to comfort him, but at the same time, she realized she wanted reassurance as well. Deep within her heart, she felt that Steel would not betray her; something was different about him. He was here with her now in a way that no other wolf had shared with her, and she felt a closeness and attachment to him that she hadn't experienced before. She felt anxiety claw at her belly, but at the same time, she felt like she needn't worry at all as she waited once more for him to speak, or act.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]