
New Legacy of Armada



6 Years

05-17-2016, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 05:20 PM by Esarosa.)
Name: Ramsay Armada
Design: Liabel4
Appearance: As a young babe, his limbs are short and a little stocky, completely uncoordinated. His coat is soft and downy, and mostly just a light blonde hue. His markings are not at all obvious - there is just a small splotch of black around his nose. The base of his whiskers, edges of his ears and toes are more of a sandy brown, but will darken into full black as he ages. His paws are much too big and clumsy, often burdening him in activities requiring agility and precision.

As he reaches adolescence, of course, his limbs will grow much too quickly, making him appear lanky and awkward, while his ears will be much too tall. It will take time for his tail and the rest of his body to catch up, giving him the funny appearance of a maned wolf. However, during this time he will discover the full extent and potential of his agile self. His markings are beginning to fill in, becoming more evident, although they are not quite black yet.

As an adult, he appears sturdy and well put together. At 36" in height and 130 lbs, he is tall and lean, but without lacking any appearance of strength and fullness. His legs are long and elegant, yet powerful, giving him the ability to race swiftly and move with precision. His neck and body are quite lengthy and flexible. His tail, too, is long and willowy, flowing gracefully with the rest of his body. His skull is well-crafted, narrow but not overly lengthy in the muzzle, proportioned well with the rest of his head. The ears are slightly tall and pointed, matching his overall appearance of length and grace. His coat, however, is somewhat short and thick, allowing one to clearly see all of his lean muscle and agile frame. The base color of the fur is a yellowish-blonde hue, like dry hay, which covers the vast majority of his body. The only other color marking his coat is the blackest of black. Ebony marks the edges of each ear, and the toes of each paw. Under each of his eyes is a small black marking covering the lower eye lid. Down the middle of his snout is a midnight-hued blaze, which extends to the end of his muzzle, covering only the base of his whiskers. His eyes are both a solid olive green, holding within his gaze a somewhat scornful look.

Personality: As a pup, although he is bold and curious, he is very dependent upon his parents to guide him. He looks up to them with great admiration, and clings to their every word. He has great respect for not only his parents, but all of his elders. He has a strong determination to make his parents proud, to be the best he can be. Even from a young age, he will be filled with pride in himself, and for his family blood, his heritage. His family's enemies will become his. There is no doubt where his loyalty lies. He is also really insistent on following the rules - he will definitely be a bit of a tattle-tale.

When he reaches adolescence, this is the time during which he will discover himself, and his capabilities. As he discovers his physical self, running with the wind, he will also seek his internal self. His family ties will deepen and strengthen, and as his pride develops, so will his arrogance. Not only himself, but in his entire family and bloodline as well. He will enjoy time spent with his siblings, and will always stick up for them - of course, he will also become a little competitive, vying for dominance. He will begin to see himself as superior to others, and his views will only solidify as he reaches emotional maturity.

Lawful Evil. Arrogant. Greedy. Lustful. Ambitious. Entitled. Competitive. Ramsay is fiercely loyal to his family, and would protect any one of them with his life. He would shed blood without hesitation to fight for any cause they believe in. He is a proud and arrogant creature, and knows himself to be superior to others. He has never doubted himself, nor what he has been taught. His bloodline is of grave importance to him, on almost a cultist level. He is ambitious, with a strong sense of entitlement and self-importance. Although he does not behave like a criminal - he will not use aggression take from others what he desires - he will certainly use intimidation to manipulate others and get what he wants. However, he has zero tolerance for anyone questioning or insulting his lineage, and he will certainly not be told that he is inferior to anyone. For such insolence he will certainly become violent.

Why do you wish to play this pup: For so long I have wanted to play a character that is already related to other chars on site!

Plot ideas?: Vague so far. However, would love to have him included in something that has to do with thinking his bloodline is superior to others. He will be super attached to his siblings, so would love to do lots of family threads!

Rp sample: Side by side with his siblings, Ramsay would follow their father from the den for the first time. Head and tail held high, he tried to ignore the fact that he kept stumbling over his own paws. He couldn't be expected to be perfect on his very first trip outside, could he? He knew there was nothing wrong with him, for although his paws seemed unusually large, it would be only a matter of time before he would follow gracefully in his father's paw steps - it was written in his blood. He would move with just as much finesse and perfection. For now, he take each misstep in stride, bumbling along without any doubt in himself.

He couldn't wait to see what Liar had to show them today. Shoulder to shoulder with his brother, he'd push to be first, trying to take the lead amongst his siblings. He wanted to be the first to see what they were going to do. "Me first!" he exclaimed, pouncing forward as he went to grab his father's tail in his teeth, "Dad, what are we doing today? I wanna go first!" He loved his siblings, but he wasn't going to let any of them show him up!
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]