
Queen of All I See

Absinthe 1

05-18-2016, 07:58 PM

Bacc had vanished, but she was getting used to that. He had left a while back, but she hadn't come to accept it until now. As per usual, she was back where she began, alone and bitter. Fine, fuck everyone else, who needed friends? She sullenly plodded across the soft leaf litter, wary of the pack borders that lurked somewhere around here. No need to get herself into trouble, given she was such a freakshow around here. Alabaster toes skimmed over the mulch that had become of the pine nettles and fallen leaves. She much preferred the early autumn, when the leaves were crunchy and fun to roll in.

A soft cry of delight resounded through the forest, the tinkling of silver bells. Interesting. Opting to meander in that general direction, she wondered what could be so wonderful in this dreary place. The North wasn't for her, though she tried. Bacchus might be around these parts, lurking in depressed solitude, but she was still sore from his beating a hasty retreat. She would return to the East soon, seek out somewhere nice to spend the winter. Maybe seek out another pack. It had been more fun with a family of sorts around her, and she'd been making headway before.

The source of the noise became known, at least the violet pixie assumed it to be so. A young girl, perched precariously high, enjoying a meal. Well then. You see something new every day. She gazed upward for a moment, deciding whether or not to even attempt conversation. After all, who was she to disturb someone's meal?
