
Hey, buddy


05-18-2016, 11:12 PM
His father told him he wasn’t his job to find his mother... He furrowed his brow, looking up at his father. The moment Leo apologized too Alfie shot up to his paws. “W-Well it’s not your job either! So you can’t be sorry.” The child didn’t even think of the words before he spoke them; he was just trying to comfort his father the way Leo tried to comfort him. When his dad spoke of the rest of their family, and licked him between his ears, the boy’s expression brightened again.

#8a2300“You’re right!” He nuzzled up to his father, a large grin appearing on his face. “So we can’t be sad, right?” Sure he was forcing the grin, but he hated seeing his father sad and it was all his fault! So it was his job to make it better again. “Hey dad? I want you to promise me something...” The grin faded, a serious look entering the child’s eyes.

“If... If mom doesn’t come home...” He lowered his gaze for a moment before lifting those bright orbs back to meet his father’s own. “Promise you’ll never leave us. Promise you’ll find some way to be happy.”
