
Love do not forsake me



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-19-2016, 03:49 PM

She'd just come back from watching the caribou herds, the creatures were preparing to leave the mountain pass very soon, and she knew that the festival hunt would need to be started in the next day or two before the caribou left south for the winter. As she was returning, she heard the familiar voice of Vereux, a smile lighting her face. What was he calling her for? She knew how he felt about her, and it seemed the more time she spent with him, the more she could feel that tingling feeling in her tummy and her toes. Granted, she took her time with Vereux, wanting to see if she could trust him as well as seeing if he would abandon her, but he hadn't.

She wasn't in the wrong for doing that, right? After all, her first mistake with Newol was trusting him and falling in love too quickly without really having gotten to know him. In the end, he took advantage of her naive heart and left. But Vereux, she could feel it. She didn't know how, but she could. Not only that, but she could see it in his eyes. (Well, eye.) As well as hear it in his voice. Sure, her kids were suspicious of him, but they'd only ever grown up with her alone. Unused to the idea of her finding someone to love. It had been over a year now, she was getting old, and she deserved to be happy too. At last, when the male came into sight, her tail wagged. She walked up to him, brushing her head against his neck in affection. "You called?" She pulled away to look at him, a happy smile on her face.

“Vereux” “Avalon”


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