
Sharpened Teeth [Pack Meeting]



5 Years
05-19-2016, 06:33 PM
He too was nearby trailing along the shores. His curiosity of the new area and the new prey that survived here. For most of the day he had been on the shores scavenging the beaches to see what the water had washed ashore. He had even found some small pools of water among a cluster of rocks teaming with small hard shelled creatures. He was vary happy with his findings so far today and was satisfied at the amount of prey this land had. So far his larger brother was two and two with his choices of territory. He had taken some time to relax on the beach fully taking in the wonderful feeling of the sand and watching the waves roll in and roll out. Enjoying the nice weather for now. It was winter and hopefully here in the south it would be a mild winter. He was feeling rather relaxed and mulling over his meeting with Riv not long ago. He was considering on calling together a hunt before winter was in full swing and getting the barrings of how they would do hunting in unison. He really wanted to meet with Nixie the other wolf that held the same position as him, but part of him felt it would be better to get the hunt together as soon as he could.

When his brother's call sounded above the light crashing of the waves Jackson looked in the direction his brother had called from. His tail wagged in slight excitement at the call of the first official meeting of Myriad. He knew he must be timely to the meeting and quickly rose up to his feet. He was not far so it would not take him long to cover ground. Turning the male took off at a swift pace towards where his brother was located. A light smile to his face and a light wag to his tail that male was happy and content with his life currently. He had his mind set to make himself into a loyal and hard working pack member and felt that after the meeting he would head back to Weeping Woods and call together a pack hunt. He had been tracking the resident Deer herd for the past week and they seemed to be remaining at the more northern part of Weeping Woods. There was quite a few head of deer that were ripe for the taking, older and currently plump, but they may not last the winter. A few of them would feed the pack for a few weeks.

Grinning to his thoughts he picked up his pace and before long he had reached the meeting spot. Already there were three; Riv (of course), Zephyra, and Xephyris. His tail wagged in a friendly manner as he approached dipping his head to all of them.

"Hello everyone!," he said before taking a seat not to far from Xeph's familiar form.
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