
i am teaching myself how to be free



4 Years
05-19-2016, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2016, 06:58 PM by Naudir.)

Naudir shook out her coat as snowflakes lightly began to fall from the sky.  She was ready to go exploring, but that meant exploring somewhere that wasn’t someone else’s territory.  “Come on, let’s go explore a new land.  You guys want to head straight north?  I hear there’s a huge frozen lake up there that’s miles deep!”  She didn’t mind exploring the lands close by… and maybe when they were older she’d feel comfortable going a bit farther, but not right now.  

Her ears flicked back as Runa came up by her sisters and stated that they were enemies.  Naudir frowned, sapphire eyes narrowing as she eyed the border.  Naudir knew her sister was deeply connected to the gods and she would not question the others judgement though it did seem strange to label them enemies without even seeing who they were.

Naudir took a step back, fur and hackles raising at the approach of a massive, strangely marked woman.  They were ok though surely, they were still in neutral territory after all.  Even so, Naudir was immediately cautious of the other.  She dipped her head slowly in answer to the woman’s question.  Ivalice?  That was the packs name.  The woman was Amachi.  Naudir blinked for a moment in surprise at how forthcoming the stranger was with information.

Suddenly, a boy came barreling toward’s them and Naudir’s ears pinned tightly to her head, her stance widening as she watched the boy come to a stop next to Amachi.  She frowned at his questions.  “I don’t know… are we enemies?”  She glanced to her sisters and Asvor stated that they weren’t…. at least not yet.  Naudir jumped lightly as Balthazaar suddenly dove from the sky and landed next to her.  “Enemies or not, you lot shouldn’t be talking with strangers!”  He took a few hops toward the Ivalice wolves, head twisting in that jerky manner of birds as he eyed them suspicously.

It was then Ræsa showed up and Naudir’s thoughts on the neighbors dropped.  “Ræsa!  You’re ok!”  She raced over to her sister, seeking to nuzzle the girl who’d spent most of her time in her den sick.  She yelped suddenly as Balthazaar yanked a few hairs out of her tail.  “Oi!  Pay attention, don’t turn your back on strange wolves Naudir.  Your mother taught you better than that.”  Sulking Naudir glared at the bird before glancing back at the strangers.
