
A hunting we will go!



5 Years
05-19-2016, 07:34 PM
Anyone that would see him now would easily be able to see that the young man was nervous. The pack meeting had come to an end and even though everything had sounded so good in his head his current task was terrifying him. In fact it scared him so much that he had pushed it off instead of calling it right after the meeting it was now the day after. What was helping him conquer his fear was the fact it needed to be done, he needed to step up into his rank more. A pack was meant to be a team, to help ensure each other's survival. If the pack didn't come together to hunt there was no sure way of knowing that everyone was getting properly fed. He had wanted to get together with Nixie before taking this step, but it needed to be done and the more time he let go by the less of a chance the whole pack could survive. There was no way of knowing how the winter would be this year and they needed to be a step ahead of the game.

He took a deep breath and slowly let it out calming himself before he called a pack hunt together. It was early in the morning a perfect time to gather the pack and head to the north of the pack lands where the herd would be. Lifting his head he let out a long and loud howl to call the pack together. To get this hunt started and to bring down food for the pack. As he waited all his info and Intel ran through his head as he tried to form a successful plan to bring down some prey. He also had to think about how many would show up, if they had enough they may be able to cut two from the herd and take them down successfully, but he just had to see.

OOC: Couple things. First to clarify this is taking place after the pack meeting that is being held.
Secondly first round of posting will end on May 28th.

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]