
The Inuit



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-19-2016, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2016, 05:38 PM by Dragon.)
So I'm bringing in a character who is based off the Inuit people, due to some interest, I've decided to put up some family for adoption.

The caribou tribe hail from the farthest reaches of the Northern Arctic. However, after the shifting of the ice where they made their home, many have become separated and are now on a journey to find a new place to call home, as well as find those who were part of the tribe. This has led some of them to find their way to Ardent (via ice floes), while others have either found their way back, settled elsewhere, or are still wandering. The tribe is a religious group, where they're from they often relied on the caribou herds for survival. The tribe is a migratory group, traveling with the herds twice a year, and always through the same routes. They believe in several gods who are said to control the sun, earth, sky, water, and so on. After the ice breaking incident, they believe that perhaps bad fortune is upon them, because life before the disaster had been peaceful for generations. Save for the two tribes that were at odds with each other, so some tribe members believe that may be the cause, while others believe their enemies had a part to play in the disruption of their lives.

The Caribou Tribe & The Netsilik Tribe
The caribou tribe have been at war with the Netsilik tribe for a few generations. They were once peaceful towards one another, until an incident caused them to turn on each other. The tribes were bonded through an arranged marriage between Una's parents, with her mother being from the Caribou tribe and her father from the Netsilik tribe.  Hiwever, tragedy struck when her mother was killed by a rogue polar bear. When a member of the caribou tribe found her, Una's father was found at her side with blood on his form, the male crazed with grief and unable to explain what he'd found. Due to his silence, he was put on trial and found guilty despite his innocence. He was put to death, and the tribes have been at each others throats since. Now, five years later, tensions and hatred still run strong.

Here is your opportunity to get involved in an exciting dual family plot!
You have the option to adopt from Una's direct family, a member of the caribou tribe, or from the Netsilik tribe.

-The appearances for those from the caribou tribe should have Siberian husky-like designs. Any eye color is allowed, and any Natural colors as well.
-Appearances for those from the Netsilik tribe, can be anything that is not super unnatural. Does not have to have siberian husky markings. But have a wider range of coat colors.
-May have any alignment. Though the majority are lighter aligned.
-Una's siblings must have the same last name Qilaq & born in Winter.
-All adopts must have Inuit names.
-can be any gender
-can be any size from small-Dire
Available for adoption:

Litter mates: Una, Unknown, unknown

2nd litter (4yrs):
Tonrar , unknown, unknown

3rd litter (3yrs):
Unknown, unknown

4th litter (2yrs):
Unknown, unknown

Last litter (1yr):

Caribou tribe member:
Unlimited, any age, gender, & season.

Netsilik tribe member:
Unlimited, any age, gender, & season.

I would like for these adopts to remain active, should there be no Sibling activity for two months, then I reserve the right to adopt it back out.

<b>Name</b>: must be inuit
<b>Sibling or tribe member?</b>: If sibling, then which litter? If tribe, then from which tribe?
<b>Rp sample</b>: link is also acceptable.