
All That Glitters is Gold

Rœkia T


4 Years
05-20-2016, 07:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 08:20 PM by Rœkia T.)
ooc: navigation marble wash

Winter was a piss poor time for herb hunting and it frustrated Rœkia to no end.  Her stores weren’t nearly up to par and now she was out of time.  Go figure…  Her gaze turned upward as she watched Wolf soar above her and she shuddered, wondering how the magpie could possibly enjoy the chill winter air and the dreary gray sky.  He soared down and landed in between her shoulder blades.   “It’s time to go south I take it Rœkia?” She nodded. “Yes, if we’re going to continue herb hunting we need to go where the plants are and that means heading all the way south.  Ugh… my paws are hurting already.”

Rœkia broke through the brush as a large lake came into view surrounded with the brown, dead forms of cattails and other reeds.  Sighing she moved toward the water, gently pushing her way through the reeds until she reached the edge, dipping her head for a cool drink.  As she lifted her head she noticed a young woman flipping rocks on the shore… a woman that looked very familar.  Crap.  Where had she seen this woman….  Her garnet eyes narrowed before Wolf leaned over to her ears.   “Look!  It’s Peregrine!”  Her eyes widened and she grinned.  

Slipping through the reeds she headed toward the woman.  “Peregrine darling, is that really you?  It’s me, Magpie.  How’s business?” She wasn’t sure if the other would remember her, they’d met awhile back and had a rather grand time but it was brief.  After all they both had their own plans to tend to.

"Talk" Wolf Think