
Don't Fade Away


05-21-2016, 10:17 PM

The girl had spent the past few weeks cooped up in her den, suffering from a mild cold. It wasn't until after the hunt she began to recognise the symptoms. She coughed and sneezed her way through the remainder of autumn, occasionally going outside to replenish the fresh air in her lungs. This was the first day she had been outside the den in ages. She was so desperate to get out, to see the mangroves and the springs, to explore the territory, that she forgot all about the faint snow beneath her paws. As she took her first, leaping steps, she forgot about her fear of snow. The cold sensation underfoot just slipped from her mind. A new confidence surged inside of her.

Ebony paws carried her to the springs, and upon her arrival, she seated herself by one of the radiating pools and leaned over to glance at her reflection. A russet-faced girl stared right back at her. She tilted her head around, examining herself in disbelief. That was a different Diana staring back at her; not the Diana she remembered to be. No longer did she carry child-like features but more feminine traits. Was that really her? No, it couldn't be her. It had to be someone else. The last time she had checked, she had still been a pup, not a grown-up.

Throughout her fascination in her reflection, she took no notice of the boy not too far away. She just continued to stare into the water.

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