
Prayer Of The Refugee


05-22-2016, 11:32 PM
The female had been worried and lonely. She didn’t know where Shadow was, but she had been trying to track him with a small bundle of herbs carried in her maw. She hadn’t been resting much... She had dropped a few pounds and her coat wasn’t as clean and pristine as it should have been. But Maria was worried... She couldn’t help it. Could it be Shadow had went on without her? Or... Had something terrible befallen him?

The smell of blood entered her nose, mingling with Shadow’s scent. The smell of blood was so strong, she felt sick to her stomach as it filled her nostrils. But... That meant...!

The female quickened her pace, hurrying to find the brute. She had already taken a big step by leaving her forest to find him. Now it was up to her it seemed to keep him healthy... And what a poor job she was doing! Worry nagged at her, and the female gave a soft whine as her dark blue orbs fell on Shadow’s form.

He was bloody... Something had definitely happened. Immediately she knew she wouldn’t have enough herbs to treat everything with her... And what she did have back at the den wouldn’t last. She could only pray he stayed put after this, so that she could hopefully help him avoid infection and his wounds could heal.

Maria didn’t even ask permission this time, so focused on helping Shadow that she immediately set to work on the closest wound -- a cut on his flank. She would take set her herb bundle down before she lowered her head to the wound. She had to clean them before she applied a poultice onto the wound to help it. Oh why couldn’t he have been closer to her home den? Why did it have to be winter?