
ain't no rest for the wicked



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-22-2016, 11:54 PM

Amachi took the invitation without hesitation, settling down right beside the starlit woman. She nodded affirmatively, indicating that she had been well. This was good, Caia thought to herself. Her friend seemed hesitant to speak of her current whereabouts, for whatever reason. "As well as I can be..." The ashen toned giant replied, which momentarily worried Caia. Was there a reason for her not to be well? Or was this simply a phrase that translated poorly in her head? "I... 'm in a pack now." She finished, which confirmed the celestial dame's suspicions. She beamed over at Amachi, leaning over to bump her hip against that of her friend. Based on her expression, the other female was somewhat bashful of this fact. "This is good, my friend!" She boomed, laughing heartily. "You do well there!"

When Amachi next spoke, Caia was the one to become hesitant. "Your pack scent is faded... Did you lose your home." It wasn't that she was ashamed, more that she was still tender over the subject. Her brother had tried so hard, and it had all fallen to pieces. Argead had been somewhere she'd felt mostly at peace, despite having to look after a large group, which wasn't something she necessarily enjoyed. "I did." She sighed succinctly, glancing down at the shredded end of the stick in her paws. "My brother started it, Argead. He hoped for his children a better home." She murmured, shrugging her shoulders heavily. A breeze stirred in the forest, and she watched a bird take to the sky. "It is no matter, the world spins on."

She resumed her chewing, it was doing a good job of getting to the little bits of meat that were stuck between some of her teeth. Silence reigned for a moment or two, but failed to bother her. The world did, indeed, spin on. Opting to leave the gloominess of the conversation behind, she released the stick yet again. "How does pack life treat you, my friend?" The cosmic femme enquired, redirecting her attention to Amachi.

"Talk" "You" Think