
Silver Bullet to the Heart


06-14-2013, 11:57 AM

Winter was everywhere in Alacritis, it seemed. Snow, frost, and the chilly winds that came with the season surrounded and covered everything in sight. For Aeil, the coldest part of the year didn't just bring the lovely scenery. When she was born, the snow was falling and there was the feeling of cold and aching winds outside of her parents' den. The flashbacks she had from her first day of life were short, but the cold air outside the entrance stood out. An ache inside her chest came from those memories and she carried on.
Due to Aeil being born in the winter, that also meant she was experiencing a humiliating heat cycle. With flattened ears, she checked her surroundings as she walked through the woods, hoping that she wouldn't be leaped on by a random male. Being in heat was good and all if you were intending on being prepared for anything resulting from an encounter. Aeil was more than ready to be a mother, but it was just the fact of not being in a stable place - like a pack - to raise her pups that held her back from searching for companionship. Now, as she aimlessly padded around the trees, she thought about what her future would hold.
Aeil didn't have to wonder about it for too long as a scent came to her nostrils. Her nose quivered and her body froze in midstep, one front paw raised. After a few seconds, she lowered it and started to walk towards where the scent was coming from. Her nose and eyes connected the scent with the stranger and her dark blue eyes curiously peeked from around a nearby tree. Being against the wind, she figured the female probably sensed she was there, so she slowly came from around the tree she was behind. At least this stranger was a lady and not a was crazy enough to be in heat. Having to worry about an unknown male's intentions would only make it worse.
