
Down the Rabbit Hole



4 Years

05-23-2016, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2016, 03:24 PM by Peregrine.)

It was midnight, and Peregrine couldn't sleep. Admittedly, spelunking probably wasn't the best way to cope with that, but she was still soundly ignoring Tsiry urging her to turn around. So what if it was the middle of the night? You could never see anything in these blasted caves no matter what time it was. According to the lemur, that was just more reason to turn around. "C'mon Tsiry, where's your sense of adventure?" The lemur reached out and grabbed one of her ears, giving it a twist. Pere winced. "I left it back on that nice warm pile of moss I was sleeping on," her friend answered grumpily. Peregrine cackled.

She worked her way down into the mountain by touch and scent. She sword that she could smell something interesting within, and only lies about hidden treasure were enough to keep Tsiry from jumping ship. It was dark and cold, the ocean air fishy and the walls wet. A thin film of slime covered much of the walls, but still Peregrine went on. Somewhere, in front or behind of them she could not say, rocks clattered. She felt Tsiry flinch. "We're gonna died down here, aren't we?" she asked. The wolf decided not to bother responding. For putting on such a hard shell, her new friend could be a real wimp sometimes. "Hold it together, Killer," Pere groused. "I think I see light up ahead." Indeed, they passed into a champer much larger than the narrow tunnel they had been working through. It was airy and markably drier. From a hole in it's root moonlight shone in, illuminating hundreds of tiny stones. It was honestly quiet beautiful. Peregrine gave Tsiry a shit-eating grin, and she yanked her other ear in return.

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