
All That Glitters is Gold

Rœkia T


4 Years
05-23-2016, 06:03 PM

Rœkia grinned at the nickname. “What could I have done to earn the honor?”  Rœkia lauched and winked at the other woman. “Nothing good I’m sure!”  It seemed business was doing poorly and that was a real shame.  Especially to loose her supplies like that!  Rœkia had worried that some of her storage dens might have flooded but she hadn’t been able to check them all yet. “I’m sorry to hear that.  Perhaps I can help in the herb department or help you find a new sling?  Granted I’m low myself on plants and I have little idea where to find bags.  My winter stocks aren’t near what they should be.  I’m heading south to gather more if you’d like to accompany me.  I was hoping to see if I could find some Hellebore.”  She grinned at the thought of the lovely little winter poison.  While it could be used to tend to coughs she preferred it’s more dangrous affects on the heart and mind.  Much like Foxglove.  Her thoughts drifted lightly to the little Finch she’d met a few seasons back.  That had been fun… she was honestly tempted to try it again though she knew it would be risky.  Having one victim wandering the east was enough she didn’t need to piss off every pack in Boreas.  She let her thoughts continue to bubble along as Peregrine spoke to Wolf.

Wolf balked and fluttered down off of Rœkia’s shoulders, hopping toward Peregrine.  “Ah forgive me Peregrine!  I was so struck by the sudden appearance of your beautiful form that my words failed me!  It is deeply wonderful to see you again.”  He gave a little bow and Rœkia snorted, rolling her eyes before suddenly she grinned, an idea sparking in her brain.  “Oh!  Here’s a thought.  As we head south we can hit the Deadman’s Scrap!  I’ve been meaning to pick up some Jimson Weed if it’s still hot enough down that way.  We’ll have see what damage winter has done but there’s bound to be a fantastic assortment of things you can look through.”

"Talk" Wolf You