
A Family That Fights Together Can Never Be Defeated



12 Years
Extra large
05-23-2016, 07:43 PM

He was itching to get this show on the road. He needed to stretch his muscles and get some fighting out of the way. So, he had set off, calling Faite to his side to accompany him to the Battlefield as his witness. Maybe she could find a sparring partner once he was through, win or lose. While he liked winning, he didn’t mind losing, either. It was all a chance to pick up new techniques, or form new ones of his own. Plus, the trip to the Field was a chance to talk to her about some of his ideas regarding the high ranks of fighters. He already liked his mother’s original set up of testing those wishing for a rank, whether it was for hunting, fighting, or healing.

But what about those wishing to gain a higher rank in fighting? Hunting and healing were two simple things. You worked hard, expanded your skill, and if you worked harder than the rest to hunt for the pack, you would be qualified for a promotion. If your skill was better than the rest of the healers, and you stuck to all your studies and truly dedicated yourself to the pack’s health and wellbeing, you were eligible to become a Master Healer. But fighters… He needed to see real proof that his fighters, few as they had, would be suitable for high ranks; because with as few as they had right now, it was likely that the Shields would be two of those already present, and the Master Legionaries would likewise be wolves already present.

As he met with Faite and they crossed the border, he grinned at his sister. She was the only one of his siblings that resembled their father in any way; earthen tones mixing with silver and black. She was also the only official Legionary. “So, I’ve been thinking, sis. We really, really need high ranking fighters who are capable of the ranks needing filled. But I was thinking that if someone wanted a high rank like Shield, or Master, that they need to prove themselves far more than to be just a Legionary…” He kept the pace at a trot, one eye and one ear attentively on his sister, waiting to hear what she had to say about it.

They wouldn’t reach the Field for at least three hours; plenty of time to chat with her, get her views.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]