
Starling Destruction


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
05-23-2016, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2016, 08:34 PM by Evelyn.)
With a very heavy heart, I am readopting out Starling. This has not been an easy choice, but he is a big part of the family. Arin has agreed that his art, design, and name will go with him, as well as his purchases. It will be up to the adopter if they wish to keep the bag that he has and Stella the starling. This is his profile here. His appearance will not be changing but I am open for his personality to shift. For those that haven't followed his drama, he has had a falling out with all of his friends as well as most of his family. He doesn't believe that he is good enough despite what everyone has said. It would be within logic for him to overcome this and come back with a fresh mind, finally listening to all the things that his family has said. I would advice anyone applying to read through his posts. I do not see a super dramatic change in personality working, which is why I will be very picky with picking who plays him. I would love for a newer member to get him! Oh, he also speaks fluent Italian. Arin also said that his stutter is due to his nerves, so it can be kept or fazed out.

I also have the right to take him back if he does not remain active. Also, since Arin did the design and is keeping it with the character, the design and name does NOT belong to the person who adopts, but stays with the character. (So pretty much me) You will not be allowed to use this design anywhere else.

Here is a link to his post log which has all of his art.

<b>OOC Name :</b>
<b>Keeping Items?</b> Stella the starling, herb pack.

<b>New Personality :</b> At least 150 words
<b>Plans :</b> How is he going to fix things with his family? Staying in Abaven? (I would like him to stay with his family) Still friends with Cathaoir? (He had a crush on him) Him and Quake were close, and he will remain her mentor if he stays in Abaven.

<b>Roleplay Example :</b> At least 100 words

My focus needs more focus.