
Accept me

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-24-2016, 05:47 AM

He was surprised to hear her call, but it only excited him a little more. His queen was grabbing her bearings was she? He knew her to be fiesty to begin with, but she shouldn't have been afraid to full fill her own needs in his presence. As the king made his way towards her, it was like watching an angel come out into light. The wavy blue tendrils of the willows brushing over. Some lowering enough to touch him as he looked at her within the dim light of the day. This place was much more private than the plains, and while he didn't mind it. It also was because the willows would always set a special place in his heart.

As the boy approached her he would seek to meet his jaw to her right shoulder. His bottom jaw searching to combine fuzzy black fur with his own reddish hue. Only if the gesture was welcome of course. With a moment as important as this, and the yearning of her own presence - it was almost as if these touches and gestures had become natural. However, he would never place upon her something she didn't wish to do. Something that was undesirable was the least of what he wanted to worry her with.

"Hello my queen, it's been far too long since I've seen you." while the time had actually been short. It felt like ages, a season even, despite it not being so. It had only maybe been a week to a few days since they had laid beneath the moonlight. Sputtering words in his other language to each other. His two different colored eyes perked up, wanting to meet her own. He certainly hoped that she was doing well.

"Talk" "You" Think