
One Call Away

Finch I


4 Years

05-24-2016, 12:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 11:14 PM by Finch I.)
Navigation -- Sunset Falls

It took some guts for her to leave pack lands, ever since she had that run in with the strange woman. But after Starling vanished, she started to work on the whole getting stronger thing. Lark had told her that he would help train her, but he was still recovering at the moment. She didn’t want to be a burden on him and gave him his space, not wanting to get sick again. Finch had enough of being ill. The woman shuddered, pausing as she heard the rush of water. Her ears flickered and she turned towards her left, following the river in the opposite direction of its flow. She had never been to these parts before, but exploring without fear was part of her whole better herself deal. Civetta stood between her shoulders as she headed up the hill.

When Finch reached the top of the mount, the sight took her breath away. Her pale blue eyes grew wide as she stepped near the ledge, the spray of the waterfall hitting her form. She could see so far across the eastern land, and it was the most stunning thing she had ever seen before. Settling on her rump she let out a soft breath, forgetting about the bird on her back. Civetta let out a shrill call, flapping her wings and picking her way to the wolf’s head with the assistance of her beak. Finch hardly realized it, still awestruck from the view. She blinked slowly as she registered that it was starting to snow, the first time she had seen the white flakes at all this winter. They were soft and almost fluffy looking, but they didn't stick to the ground when they landed. The whole scene was so beautiful, it really took her breath away. She was sad that no one was here to see it with her, and her heart ached for Starling. He would love this as much as she did… She blinked hard to scatter the threat of tears, just as a clutter of snow flakes landed on her nose. She shivered at the sudden touch of cold, almost shaking the poor bird off again. The young woman just stood there, transfixed by the whole scene. It was… almost romantic. A warm blush flooded to her cheeks at the thought, and she mentally shook it away. Now was not the time for silly thoughts like that! Plus she was at a loss when it came to anything romantic, she hadn't had her mother to walk her through all of this. "This is so pretty…" The bird whispered, reminding Finch that her companion was here. She carefully nodded her head, trying not to upset the small song bird. "It really is Civetta, it really is…"

Art by KatG6