
One Call Away



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-24-2016, 12:17 PM

Tiburtius lifted his head to look at the sky as the snowflakes began to fall around him. They were light and fluffy and offered no true threat for a snow storm. At least not like the snow falls he remembered from his childhood. They had still been fairly young when his mothers moved him and his brothers to the east, but he still remembered the huge mounds of snow and heavy snowflakes vividly. His dual colored eyes came back to look at his surroundings with a sigh. It felt like he was constantly daydreaming of the past these days. He wasn’t even sure if the past was really that much better than his current situation… He just wasn’t sure he had anything in his future to dream of. His ears flicked back against his skull as he forced his silver paws to keep moving. He didn’t have a real goal or destination in mind, he just needed to get out of Fiori’s territory for a moment to clear his head. He absolutely hadn’t taken his decision to propose to Arivae lightly, but it seemed like every time he blinked an eye she was gone. He didn’t expect her to stick to his side constantly, but when he looked at his mothers and how they always came back to their den to sleep together at night even on days when they were both too busy to speak during the day… That was the relationship he wanted.

He shoved the thoughts away as a sigh passed his lips, a small cloud forming around the end of his muzzle. This wasn’t doing anything to help him right now. He had come out here to take a breath and relax and so far he had only done the opposite. He lifted his gaze from the ground to look to see where in the world he was even going and his brows raised in surprise when he spotted a woman sitting a short distance ahead of him. He had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed her sitting there. He looked past her at the view that seemed to have her attention so captured and had to admit that it was quite the amazing view. The light snowfall certainly added a certain something as well. A small smile touched his lips and he padded closer, careful to make some sort of noise as he walked so he wouldn’t startle her. “Do you mind if I share your view with you?” he asked politely, giving her a smile as he came over to sit to her left.

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