
Lean On

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 12:18 PM

Her sleep was dreamless for once, nothing plaguing her mind as darkness wrapped her up comfortably. She let out a deep sigh in her slumber, deaf to the paw steps that were coming up to her. She didn't even respond to the touch and voice right away, only her ears twitching in response. Stubbornly she held on to the emptiness of the void, her claws digging into the endless blackness of sleep. She grumbled, her left front paw twitching in defiance. But after several long moments she was finally pulled out from it, her purple eyes slowly blinking open. She didn't move for a few more heartbeats, until finally her eyes landed on him. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest, her breath slamming to a stop in her throat. How long had it been now? She couldn't remember, but just the sight of him put her right back to that night. Right back to leaving him at the borders, longing to go with him. She took in the furrow of his brows and the concern set to his face, a look of confusion kitting her black marked features together. Some of the haze from everything was washed away in one sweep, a smile spreading her lips apart. "Gethin," she breathed his name like it was life itself, that one word enough to set her into action. Her body lifted itself as she craved to be near him, needing to devour his very essence. Mercy pushed her chest against him, her head flopping heavily against his shoulders. She took in his heady scent, a thrum of excitement coursing through her blood. For a moment she forgot all about Imperium and everything she had lost.

For a moment.

All at once it set itself upon her shoulders, weighing her down and nearly making her back legs buckle. She didn't know what to say, the sheer force of it nearly stealing her last bit of energy. The energy that he had given her. Mercy took a deep breath, too exhausted to even cry anymore. She slowly pulled her head back and looked into those blood red eyes that had haunted her dreams. Her smile had faltered, but perked back up slightly the longer she looked at him. "I've missed you so much…" she said softly, hesitantly taking a step back. Her ears pinned to her skull as her tail swept behind her, unknowingly stirring up the scent of her heat. "I've been… trying to figure out how to deal with all of this. Imperium was everything to me, all my hopes and dreams. It held all of my ambition and drive. I guess I am going to have to go on and just beat up other loners," she said, trying to be humorous. It fell short though, her lower lip quivering slightly. It was obvious to her that Gethin knew, otherwise he wouldn't have trespassed. Had the scent markers vanished all together now?

Casting her gaze away from Gethin she took a deep breath of the mild winter air, her slow mind trying to catch up with everything. This had been her first real interaction in quite some weeks, it was like waking up from hibernation. "I thought about coming to find you, but when Cascade told me the news I just broke. It was like losing my family," Mercy said, peeking back up at him slightly. Her smile actually spread a touch the longer she looked at him, those familiar feelings stirring in her gut again. The ones she had no name for, no real explanation. This was just what Gethin was to her, and it felt like he was slowly pouring life back into her. Unable to be apart from him any longer, she shuffled forward so that they were chest to chest once again. Her eyes slipped closed as she breathed in all that he was, savouring every flavour of him. Her teeth softly pulled softly at at the flesh of his neck, a low rumble sounding in her throat. "Did I tell you I missed you already?" she asked, her voice a bit more gruff. She was cycling through emotions quickly, like her body and mind was trying to catch up from the weeks of being dormant and suppressed. It was confusing and almost painful, but all she knew was that he was here. Her Gethin was here.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.