
Lean On


05-24-2016, 12:25 PM

He stood there, his eyes watching her carefully as she slowly slipped out of her sleep. She was stubborn as ever, even in her sleep. That comforted him somehow, seeing a little bit of the fire that he loved in her. The moment her eyes finally opened and his blood-red eyes found the rich violet of hers it felt like he could breathe. I hadn’t realized that he had been holding his breath until she spoke his name and he let the breath pass his lips in a sigh. The whole time they had been apart he had felt a strain on him, constantly fighting against the urge to go to her and be with her. Finally that strain had been relieved. A slight smile tugged at his lips as she pulled herself up from the ground and her body pressed to his, wave after wave of relief washing over him. He had let this separation go on far too long. He had gone to her pack and called for her. Hell, he would have joined that pack if it had meant being with her. He didn’t suppose he had to worry about that now. He settled on his haunches, happily letting her lean into him while he nuzzled his face into her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent.

She pulled back and her eyes met hers again. "“I missed you too,” he rumbled truthfully. He listened quietly as she continued to speak. He had never been a part of a pack or experienced this loyalty and dedication she seemed to have had for this group. He couldn’t sympathize with her, but he could tell that she was truly in pain over it and that was enough for him to hurt for her. Even as she tried to crack a joke to cover it he could see right through it. He frowned as her lip quivered and she looked away from him. He was good at handling physical enemies, but these things that he couldn’t find and couldn’t touch he struggled. He wanted to find these wolves that had snatched away this dream from her and rip them to shreds.

When she looked to him again and he saw the small touch of a smile returning to her lips it made him brush those thoughts away. He couldn’t punish those wolves that had hurt her, but he could be here for her now. She pressed to him again, another drastic shift in her emotions apparently taking her attention away from the depression and focusing her attention back on him. Not that he was complaining. His head turned to nuzzle into the fur on her scruff and he breathed in her scent. That’s when the scent of her heat caught him off guard once again, sending a shiver tingling down his spine. Her nip at his neck certainly didn’t help. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest at her comment and he trailed his muzzle up along the back of her neck, his teeth finding her ear to lightly graze his teeth across the delicate skin. "“You have, but I don’t mind hearing it again. I’ve missed you too. More than I can ever say.”

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