
One Call Away



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-24-2016, 12:27 PM

Tiburtius saw that he had startled her a bit despite his efforts not to, but luckily she didn't seem too put out by it. What caught his eye first though was the flash of wings from the small bird on her head. He blinked from surprise and watched as the bird, that seemed awfully disgruntled, settled down out of view behind her head again. Having an animal as a companion wasn't entirely foreign to him, but he had never seen a bird ride on a wolf like that. It made him grin a little from how adorable it was that this small woman had a small bird riding around on her.

He focused back on the pale woman when she nodded, agreeing to him sitting with her. He sat back on his haunches with a contented sigh. It wasn't a long walk from Fiori to here, but it was enough for a break off his feet to feel good. He glanced at the view ahead of them and immediately saw why she had been sitting here before he came up here. It was a beautiful view from her perch.

His ears perked when she spoke, pulling his gaze back down to hers. It wasn't the first thing he had expected to hear from her, but it wasn't a strange question at all. He easily smelled the pack scent on her as well. He couldn't specifically name which pack it was she was from either. He didn't really make a habit of familiarizing himself with the other packs, with the exception maybe of the one Fiori shared a border with. He nodded in reply, giving her a small smile. “Yeah, I live in Fiori. It's over on the coast.” He wasn't sure how much of a reference for her that was, but he wasn't sure how else to describe Fiori’s location.

She seemed so shy, with her quiet tone and heavy blush across her cheeks. It immediately made him want to be even more sweet and kind than usual. It was like tiptoeing and whispering to keep a bird from flying off. “What about you? Is your pack close to here?” he asked with an encouraging smile. He suddenly realized he hadn't introduced himself, but he didn't want to interrupt her now that he had asked a question so he waited for her answer before adding, “I'm Tiburtius by the way.”

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