
One Call Away



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-24-2016, 12:32 PM

Tib’s eyes widened with surprise and he blinked as the bird he had spotted on the smaller woman’s head moments before flew up from her perch, suddenly appearing right in his line of sight. He flinched back a bit purely out of shock. He grinned a little bit as his two-toned eyes crossed slightly to look at the small bird that had perched by his nose. He chuckled softly, adding on to Finch’s answer saying, “I’m not sure why I’m so tall. Most of my brothers are close to my height too though.” He had a good sense of humor and he didn’t mind her little companion’s outgoing nature as much as Finch seemed to. Well, she seemed quite embarrassed by it at the very least. It was funny to see a pair that was so different.

He chuckled again when Civetta cut in to introduce the both of them, his eyes glancing from the bird to Finch and back again. “It’s nice to meet you, Finch. You too, Civetta.” Silence settled over them for a moment and he glanced from her little friend back to the ivory woman before following her gaze out toward the waterfall. It didn’t rest there for long though. Her question brought his attention back to her once again. He gave a small shrug of his shoulders as he answered, a small smile playing on his lips. “I didn’t really realize I had gone that far, to be honest. I was just walking and thinking and I ended up here. I forget sometimes that I take pretty big steps and I get pretty far if I’m not paying attention.” He chuckled softly at that. It really was the truth, as ridiculous as it was. He had so much on his mind lately that it wasn’t unusual for him to completely block out the world around him without meaning to. “What about you? Any reason in particular to be out this way?”

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