
Lean On


05-24-2016, 12:40 PM

Gethin chuckled softly at himself as he watched Mercy turn to look at him. Mercy was the only woman he had ever known that could put this ridiculous grin on his face that he just couldn’t shake no matter how hard he tried. Gethin gave a short lunge forward as he went to catch her when she almost fell over, but she luckily caught herself and made his rescue attempt not needed. He sighed contently and a small smirk played on his lips as he watched her. It took a pretty amazing woman to keep his attention so completely for this long, but Mercy had certainly done that. Her breathless words made that grin on his lips widen again and he chuckled softly as he replied, "You’re all that and more.”

He wasn’t entirely surprised when she growled and he felt her teeth tugging at his ear. If there was one thing he knew about her by now it was that she was insatiable to the highest degree. It was so hard to resist the urge to have her again, especially as she continued to press into him and return all of the nibbles and teasing he and given her before. Her scent was still so heavy around them. Everything she did built up that constant needy flame he had for his ivory beauty, sending little shivers all through him and keeping that smirk on his lips. Never in his life had he actually put the wellbeing of someone above his cravings and lust. But, it seemed like there was a first for everything.

A soft growl rumbled in his chest and he nipped at the edge of her jaw. "I can't tell you how much I'd love to take you all over again,” he rumbled quietly, nibbling up to the edge of her ear. "I won't forgive myself if I don't make you eat something first though.” He sighed and gave her a little smile, adding, "I have to make sure you have fuel for all of our fun after all.” He wouldn't bring up the fact that he could easily see her ribs and he wouldn't ask when the last time she had eaten was since he wasn't sure she would even know. He didn't want to bring up any of the pain of the recent past. He only wanted to take care of her future.

"“Wait here, beautiful. I'll find something for us.” He gave himself a quick shake before he turned to hunt down something for them to eat. Even in that short time he was gone he could feel that pull and strain, his whole body begging him to go back toward Mercy. It really did take all of his self control to be away from her now, but he didn't want to ask her to come on a hunt in her current state. He quickly tracked down a small doe that seemed to have hurt its leg in some way, making it an easy kill for him to bring back to where he had left Mercy. He pulled their dinner into the clearing, giving her a sly grin as he dropped it. "Go ahead and have what you want of it, Mercy. Then I'll have what I want of you.”

"Talk" "You" Think