
These are the dog days



2 Years
05-25-2016, 08:26 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2016, 08:34 AM by Fug.)

— navigation skill thread, exploring firefly lake

It's been awhile since he had felt cold. The lands he had wandered about, before this one, were all warm.. some with a bit of chill to the bone, but not as much as he was starting to feel here, as he was wandering pass the grasses beneath him, still not covered in snow. His mismatched eyes were managing to get every bit of detail from his surroundings. And yet, he felt almost annoyed at everything. He hated to new places, you have to investigate and find out what is useful and what not. And let's not mention the pests. Those four legged ones that looked like him, yep. The insects weren't so annoying as some of the four legs were. Shoulders rolled at the thought and black lips pulled up accompanied by furrowing brows. "Tsk," He murmured with distaste. By the time he had already complained for probably the hundred time in his mind, he had found himself in a halt. His legs weren't moving like they were before, steady and confidently. Dark ears twitched atop his head that on it's behalf lowered between broad shoulders. He might be small, but he had muscle and stamina, and he wasn't afraid to show it. What caught his attention was a white rump, that probably belonged to one of those pests that he was just complaining about. Ears perked and his furrowed brows were replaced with a straight line formed by his lips and half opened, half closed annoyed mismatched eyes. Maybe if he was lucky he wasn't going to get spotted. Paws started to move as he aimed to turn around, what was unfortunate for him again was the stick that was at the wrong place..
Crack. And he already knew, he was screwed.
