



2 Years
05-25-2016, 01:56 PM

The trickster moves along the cold grasses that were ready for the coming winter. Shoulders were slacked and head lowered between broad shoulders. Lips parted and tongue hanging out of them. Heavy breaths leaving his mouth. The Faust's nose took int he scents around him. That unfamiliar winter breeze held a weirdly nice scent. And not to mention the smell of water. He walked down the hill, his mismatched eyes taking in the waterfalls and pools on the side. Such a cliche. With such a scene came a princess. And then her white knight. The usual bed time story. He was surprised when his eyes fell on a light figure in the distance. Hhh, there is the princess. But he was far from her white knight. He was not the one that the princess waits. He was not in the stories. And even if he was, he was far from white.

Slow and steady steps took him to the pool before her. He had position himself to her side with a good distance between then. Head lowers for him to take his long awaited sip. Hhh, the water felt so good on his throat. Tail swayed behind him and after awhile he moved his head up, his tongue coming out to catch the remaining drops of water on his lips, before sliding back in. Without a word, he would aim to turn around and look at his surroundings, before turning back towards the waterfall not too far from them. Haunches met the cold earth that sent chills up his spine. Fug shook his head in order to get rid of the annoying feeling of cold against his ass and finally relaxed his tired legs.. As he usually did these past few days.
