
love is definitely NOT in the air

Mercy I


5 Years

05-25-2016, 02:38 PM

The male jumped at her bite, and she just smirked at him. He turned with a growl, and she had to give the guy credit. Clearly he had balls of steel to turn and face her like that. It was quite obvious that Mercy was larger and thicker than he was, she could probably just sit on him and be done with it. Suffocate him under her ass. Now that would be funny. He got up in her face, and Mercy's black marked features pulled together. Her lips curled back to expose her stained teeth, although humor was still alight in her purple gaze. This dude really did have guts, there was no denying that. He seemed to catch wind of her scent, and his demeanor changed. She watched with a single raised brow as he tossed her insult back at him. Not able to stop the laugh that bubbled in her chest, her head raised slightly for better impact. He was interested in her? He wanted a little taste of her sweetness? Oh boy, that was just too much. "You, take me on? What are you going to do, climb on a rock so you can reach?" Mercy asked with a snort. Her head shook back and forth as her sides heaved, her laugh growing with more and more gusto. She nearly fell to the ground, crippled by her laughing fit. "Maybe, maybe you can find a few turtles and stack them on top of each other. At least that way you could move. I doubt it would even feel like anything at all."

Big surprise, Mercy was a bitch. Taking a few steps back, she fought to regain her breath. "I suppose I could lay down, maybe take a nap while you have your... snack," Nearly choking on her words, she fell down to her rump, her head tossing high as she howled in laughter. "Although I suppose I'm more of a full sized meal for you, eh?" She was trying to regain her composure, but she just couldn't. She kept trying to picture him humping her and it just slayed her. She knew that she was going overboard a bit, but it was so far out of her control now. Honestly she had never heard anything so funny in her life.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.