
Clar Plotting


05-26-2016, 02:13 PM
-drops back in- With things settling down with life now, I am ready to dive back into the world of Ardent with my boy Juryoku. He's still quite young so there is a lot of experience for him to cover.

-First and foremost, would definitely love to get Jury in a pack! At the moment, my eyes are on Ivalice, though, it is bound to change depending on Jury's circumstances.

-A mentor would be awesome and training, also. Whether said mentor is evil or sweet it is not a problem for him or me! ;3

-I do have plans on some terrible things happening with him in the far future (not entirely sure on the time frame). If you'd like for your character to possibly be the one to do such terrible things, hit me up with some ideas!

-Well, he is a bit young to be in full thought of love right now (that and he just got over someone already), however, it would be a sight to see him bending over backwards for someone or them doing the same~

That's about all I can place down for the time being. There likely will be more once things set well.

Feel free to toss anything up and/or message me! <3