
Love do not forsake me



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-26-2016, 07:09 PM

Saved his life. She didn't think so, but it seemed that many had been thanking her for that. She couldn't help but to try and help others when they were lost, just like she had been once upon a time. "I don't ask for anything in return except for love." She responded gently, the woman leaning into him. Her ears perked up at his comment, amber eyes turning to look at him inquisitively. She didn't catch on at first, until he said it was up to her. What did he mean by--oooh.

Her fur bristled in mild excitement, wondering if that was indeed what he meant. And to be honest, she was not against the idea. The last time she'd done that was when her children were conceived, and she had been in her season then too. This time, she was not. But she had to admit she did like the feeling and excitement and the sheer pleasure of the act. And it was all the better with someone you loved, right? Besides, what could go wrong? Her season wouldn't be an issue until summer, so there was no chance of getting pregnant was there? She doubted it.

A smile began to creep up her jaws, the woman pressing further into him as she pressed her muzzle under his chin. Lightly, she started to nibble on his neck and moved up to his jaw line. The thought of what could happen drove the usually reserved woman, but any woman who got a taste of it once, often wanted it again didn't they? She did at least. As her teeth lightly trailed up to his ear, her heart pounded harder against her chest, and she swore she could hear it roaring in her ears. "I'm all yours tonight." She whispered in his ear as she gently nipped it. "Love me, Vereux."


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