
A moment, please



4 Years
Other species
05-26-2016, 09:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2016, 09:50 PM by Amaranthe.)
Hmm, the south was quite preferable to anything in the north in the winter. Here it was much warmer and with a nice lack of snow; in the north, there was snow - even if was the white fluffy kind. Still, a black cat didn't do too well in white surroundings. So south she went, through wolf pack lands and loner lands, through water and over dry land... and now in what would be an orchid if the trees weren't barren of their leaves. She hadn't run into many wolves, other than when she wandered into pack territory, but hey, wolves didn't really pay attention to cats. They were just a small predator that ate the occasional mouse or rabbit.

She didn't really pay much attention to the wolves, either. A few interested her - like the bell lady, with the sweet chimes that she adored so much. But otherwise, okay, big fluffy predator that ate big things and left the little things for her to scavange on occasion. Big whoop. The cat paused by the river and yawned, multicolor eyes slits as she did so, glancing around.

While many wolves didn't catch her attention, the one slowly laying down and sighing certainly caught her eye. He nearly sparkled purple, and he looked so... relieved. He did smell funny, though, so she approached with caution, her mouth parting in order to breath the scents of the male better. Hmm, it wasn't him who smelled funny, but someone who he had been with. A sickness, she could tell.

"You look quite relieved, purple wolf," she commented softly, drawing to a sitting position several feet away. Enough that if he snapped at her, it'd be all too easy to scurry up a tree.


Since Jaelle is Amaranthe's precious jingle-friend, she is allowed into any of Amaranthe's threads, regardless of how it is marked.