
Sharpened Teeth [Pack Meeting]


05-26-2016, 10:24 PM

Hera was just padding back across the border of the Myriad territory when Rivaxorous's call rang out to pull them together. Her ears perked at the sound and she silently cursed the timing of her small venture out of the territory. She was simply getting more acquainted with the lands that surrounded the one she now called home. When she had lived in these lands before she and her mother had left it had been much further West so she wasn't entirely familiar with this area. At least she had managed to be semi-close when he called. She picked up the pace and hurried to get there, not slowing to a walk again until she saw the group. It didn't seem that the meeting had started yet so at least she wasn't late. She found an empty spot and settled onto her haunches with a soft sigh, her tail curling neatly around her. Her silver gaze glanced around her at her new pack mates, lingering for a moment on the large, blue-hued male that had sat himself on the very edge of the group before letting her eyes linger on Rivaxorus and the black and green woman at his side. So many colorful wolves in this pack. It made her feel a bit less odd with her vibrant orange markings.

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