
A hunting we will go!


05-26-2016, 10:38 PM

A hunt, hm? She had never truly understood a pack hunt. Sure, they could all share in one kill she guessed, but surely everyone was able to fend for themselves. It wasn't like they had pregnant women around or elderly wolves. In fact she was pretty sure a majority of the pack was even younger than her. Even still, she would be a good sport and hurried to join in on the hunt. She wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't make a good effort and make herself a real part of this pack. She arrived and saw a few other wolves there as well, though not a large group. There was five of them including herself. That was plenty to hunt with she supposed. She settled on her haunches among the group, glancing to the green and black woman first before letting letting her gaze drift over the other wolves that sat around her. She still hadn't decided how she felt about most of the pack. She almost felt like she needed to spar each of them to size them up. After she had sparred with Rivaxorus she had felt much more at least with the thought that he was her alpha. Of course the idea of sparring with everyone in the pack was absolutely ludicrous, but it was an amusing thought to muse over.

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