



6 Years
05-27-2016, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 07:03 PM by Avalon.)

Yes, I have been waiting for this moment. Cute, fluffy and adorable AVALUX BABIES. I'm sorry I'm excited xD but let you all share the joy. Dragon and I have agreed we can go the full 5 pups with this litter. That being me and Dragon will be taking 1 each leaving 3 pups to be adopted out. Keep in mind I can't afford pup passes for others so should we not get enough free slots you'll have to pay for your own or ask Dragon about it  ^^ (Though since they're cheap if I can afford it and I really like an app I might just help out.)

-We have a few designs for you to choose from. You aren't required to use them BUT please let us know if we are allowed to readopt out the design. It makes them easier to readopt out ^^.

-Vereux and Avalon are of lighter allignments. So starting out do not make your pup anywhere around the evil spectrum. Character development is a yes, but we'd rather not have an evil kid for no reason in its younger years.

-Should the pups not be posted for a month, I and Dragon reserve the right to take them back and readopt them out.

-We're going with themed names, war, Strength, Mythical creatures, and finally Foreign names will be allowed. As Vereux's name is foreign(something that isn't in english) that is why that's there.

- Height up to 39" is 25% off because of Avalon. Vereux is 36" so keep that in mind when making pups - though I have no problem with cute little runts!

- These pups will most definitely be growing up in Ivalice with two loving, married parents. They will be taking the last name Ancora as Vereux will be adopting this name.

-And anything else Dragon wants to say if I haven't already said it she can reply to this thread ^^

If you wanna know about my pup, it's gonna be a girl ^^.

As for Designs! You can refer back to the old adoption thread with Newol Avalon pups for some designs. HERE keep in mind #3, #5 and #6 are taken(And it you wanna fix the brown shades go ahead - Vereux is an armada most of their blood line is slate blue and albino - along with his mother being gray.)! Here are the designs I made Click feel free to change eye colors if you wish.

<b>Name</b>: -- Ancora
<b>Gender </b>:
<b>Appearance Description</b>: Site minimum
<b>Personality</b>: At least site minimum
<b>RP Sample:</b>
“Vereux” “Avalon”