
Sharpened Teeth [Pack Meeting]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-28-2016, 06:20 AM

Rivaxorus would watch as the first to arrive would be Xephyris. It made him chuckle at his speech as Riv nodded his head to the male. Indeed his duties kept him busy. Making sure everything was stable. He had visited a few packs as well for alliance purposes. He was also glad that this Winter was going to be mild by the feeling of it. After all he only experienced one winter previous, sometimes it was easy to forget how old he actually was. As Zephyra appeared second in place, she whispered a word of reassurance towards him. He would press his nose gently into her cheek. Yes he was ready, he had trained and thought about this his whole life. No doubt this meeting wouldn't be too bad.

His eyes did however look over Ren as he appeared. Something just seemed off about him. Rivaxorus hoped it certainly wasn't his fault. Jaelle seemed to be doing better, as a cat companion had joined her. He would take note of that as well. As soon as everyone was settled, Rivaxorus would stand strong. "I'm glad everyone was able to make it." he started. "This would be our first seasonal meeting - these will be a regular occurrence and you are expected to attend them unless you are deathly sick. Otherwise only emergency meetings will be held." now with that out of the way he would look to Jaelle.

"We have a guest attending this meeting, her name is Jaelle. We are unsure if she will be staying in Myriad, but be sure to treat her with kindness. She is an honored guest who recently recovered from being ill." His ear twitched. "While many of you may seem like strangers at the moment. I implore you to interact with each other - a pack is not strong if not a unit. I have no quarells with fighting amongst us since we most definitely won't always get along, but remember. It is your pack mates over anyone else." The male's gray tail flicked off behind him. "I'd to announce that this winter will be a mild one, but with the recent illness going around if you are feeling sick please see our healer Armai. There are also pack ranks open to be challenged for. Don't be afraid to call pack hunts or the like if your skills rest in that area." There wasn't much to share this meeting was there?

"One final thing, our allies in the north Ivalice will be holding a festival soon. While it's not required that you go I'd recommend it. To socialize with our friends and maybe get your paws on some fresh kill. Now then I suppose that is it. If anyone would like to ask any questions or share anything else now is the time to do so and are free to." His two different colored eyes scanned over. Everything had been going smoothly that there wasn't much to go off of. There was no need to scold these wolves. They knew what they needed to do and they listened well. He was rather proud.

"Talk" "You" Think