
Don't think twice



6 Years

05-29-2016, 02:59 AM

It had felt like a long journey, and one she wasn't completely certain she was willing to make. The north was not her favorite, and she knew that food could be lacking at times, especially during this season. However, the hospitality offered by Avalon had been so sincere, and Dragon's youthful enthusiasm had been both charming and contagious, so much that Esarosa didn't want to waste it. There would be benefits to all of them. Esarosa and her friends would have a place to call home - they'd each be able to find friends they identified with. They would have things to learn from each other, and there would be extra sets of eyes to watch for prey or trespassers. So, here she was, at the head of a small group of wolves all bound for Ivalice.

As the scent of the border markings became obvious, the territory became more familiar to Esarosa. She had been here before. Oh boy, had she ever. She knew this place well - it was where she'd first met her friend Miksa. As her heart and belly tensed at the memory, she tried to push it to the back of her mind. She missed her friend, but she had others to take his place, the wolves beside her whose warmth she could feel. It would be a challenge, but she would force those memories far away, and eventually she would forget.

For now, she had a duty to fulfill. To make sure that her friends had a place to live, and that started with calling to the wolves of the pack they wished to take residence with. So the midnight-coated woman would stop at Ivalice boundaries and tilt her head back in a howl, trying to cast her voice above the howling winds and whirling snow. Now she would wait for the wolves of Ivalice to come, and hope that none of her friends would leave or abandon her now.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]