
Don't think twice


05-29-2016, 05:39 AM

The woman had been out hunting, staying near her only friend since the fall of Argead. She was a loner by nature, but not by heart. So when Esarosa came back, she had news of a pack in the north, and no matter what, Valentina had promised to follow her friend. She had grown a close bond with the ebony maiden, and she was a friend she did not want to lose. It was a journey getting to the north, but not one that she minded. She had company this time, so she was content. Two others were (or would be) with them, and if they were friends of her friend, then she would be happy to get to know them as well. The pack they were headed to was unknown to Valentina as was the alpha, but when they approached, she could tell the borders were still somewhat new to the lands.

The group would come to the borders, and Esarosa would call for the Alphess. Her ears flicked as she waited nearby, olivine gaze searching the Terra beyond. So, this would be their home? But for how long? Until they too fell? Or until they went on to continue their own destiny? She supposed she'd wait and see. The odd creature looked to her friend for s moment, a playful grin on her maw. "So this is it? I trust your judgment. Can't wait to be done with the rogue life." She murmured. Truly, she was tired of being a rogue.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'