
No Place Like Home



4 Years
Other species
05-29-2016, 10:50 AM
Oh dear. She couldn't see. At all. Grass, grass, grass, grass, grass - what had she gotten herself into? Arrgh. The cat sneezed, loudly, and rubbed her nose; the damned short grass tickled her nose. She continued pushing through, eventually popping out into an area with shorter grass that she was able to see past if she sat up on her hindlegs. That was no trouble to her; she was quite capable of balancing much like a meerkat critter. It was fun, even! Taking a deep breath of air, she dropped back into the grass, ready to plunge through when a movement caught her eye. In a heat-beat, she was back up , scanning around... and seeing a giant, large, lion. Albino one, too. "Ooooh!" Amaranthe hummed, dropping back to all fours. A lion, eh? She'd not seen very many other cats in this area, let alone a lion - she truly ought to see what it was doing here.

She plunged into the grass once more, heading for where she spotted the bright white creature. He, of course, was in the deeper grass, because he didn't have short problems like her. It didn't take too long of darting through grass to see the giant white paws - jeesh, they were as big as her! - and she bounded to keep up, the grass shivering violently as she pushed through. she let out then a yowl - "Hey!" She was half tempted to jump on his back, but figured that likely wasn't the best course of action. After all, lions could get violent. Thankfully, she was quick and could be quite silent; if he became violent, well... she'd just try to slip away.
