
Can't Stop, Won't Stop, Might Stop


05-30-2016, 11:10 AM
Oh the girl was sick. Still stricken with the viral pneumonia from last season. It was slowly getting worse... And if the girl wasn’t careful she might find that it would do her in. Her body ached all over, chest sore from coughing time and time again. It had her body weak... The she-wolf had lost a lot of weight during her time of sickness. But she was stubborn, and once more she had run away from her father in hopes of finding her way back to Fiori. But instead of Fiori, she realized, she had become lost.

The trees around her was dead... Everything just seemed devoid of life. Éponine looked around with a wrinkled up nose, disdainfully regarding all that was around her. Who would want to live in such a place, the young wolfess thought?

A coughing fit shoot her. She hacked for a good thirty seconds before the fit calmed down and she was able to relax once more. She cursed her clogged nose, having not been able to discover any scents that could help point her in the right direction. She felt like she may as well have been blind. A heavy, raspy sigh escaped her as she flopped down, unaware that there was another within the vicinity.