
Give Me More



3 Years
Extra large
05-30-2016, 01:25 PM

He was rather excited to share the news that he had signs of Vereux, feeling like he was finally putting more effort into his pack. But it would seem that he was too late, another male coming in with news that he had found the brute. His ears pinned back to his skull, and a heavy sigh left his chest. Oh well, he had only heard whispers of where he was, this guy had found the wolf himself. It was a lot better than his spotty words and vague direction. He tried to not feel to disheartened, after all Hárekr had actually put a place on his head. Cathaoir's ears flickered when Katja spoke of even more missing wolves, and he understood why she was so angry. This seemed to be a common things for wolves here, and the dame had been stupid enough to take a puppy with her. The young male growled, his weight shifting between his front paws. Yfir had been good to him and from what little interacting he had done, he knew these were fair, good wolves. Why would others keep on putting that all on the line? Yes, they had different ideals than he was used to. But he still wouldn't betray them. When Dróttin mentioned a sickness, he scrambled to his paws and took several steps back, his large form lowering slightly. He had been down in the east not too long ago, that is probably where he had contracted this. It wasn't advanced, just coughing, a runny nose and a touch of a fever. His breath wheezed a bit, and he glanced at the meeting with wide eyes. He needed to stay away from these wolves. He didn't want to spread it even further. Katja had not dismissed them yet though, so he stayed in his lowered position. Once again she asked for those who wished to rank up to step forward. He wanted to, but not in this condition.

When the floor was opened up, he cleared his throat from the back. "That sickness. I think I have it. On some level," he said in a hoarse voice, standing to his full height. He looked concerned, not wishing to get anyone else ill. He looked to Katja with an apologetic look, as if getting sick was his fault. In some way, it was. He could have stayed up north, but he had gone to look for Starling. "I don't want to get others sick. Please stay away." he said in his broken speech pattern. It wasn't like he really interacted with other wolves, but just in case. He wished to leave, but didn't dare without the approval to do so first.

"Talk" "You" Think