

Sparrow I


7 Years
05-30-2016, 06:13 PM
Sparrow tried to understand, and she did, to an extent. She knew he couldn't act and that he couldn't just believe her, but she didn't know what to do about herself. She nodded as her father explained, murmuring, "I understand." and, "Yes, sir." between his remarks. She really did understand that her accusation was serious, but she still didn't know what to do about her own feelings.

Bass asked her if she'd like him to speak about it and Sparrow shook her head quickly, "If she's guilty, I don't want her to know anyone thinks anything. She knows I don't trust her, but if she is doing these things, I don't want to give her time to build a defense. I mean- If she is... then she's already really good at manipulating people, so I think if someone were to ask her, she'd not only make an excuse, but she'd work harder to cover her tracks, right?" Sparrow shook her head again, "To me, she's already sly like that, so until we're ready to face her or dismiss this, I'd rather keep it to us, but..."

Sparrow's minty eyes flicked to her father's face, then away. Her voice lowered, "Quando la vedo, voglio combattere lei." The small girl licked her lips, "Every time she touches one of my siblings- which are the only wolves she seems to touch anyway- my skin prickles." Sparrow added bitterly.

"I think, maybe I should take a vacation. Can I do that? Can I take a vacation from all... this?" Sparrow motioned around. This was her home, sure, but more and more it felt like a prison. Maybe some time away would make her feel better. She didn't really want to just disappear. She knew the kind of worry that caused. She wished that she could just... not be here. Just for a while.