
Lost and Found


05-30-2016, 10:25 PM
gonna need a spark to ignite
Mireya had taken to exploring a bit, just to distract herself and try to take her mind off her troubles. But, admittedly, that was a hard thing to do when the memory of your murdered family kept on playing and replaying in your mind. So she set out to see new sights, maybe put some new memories in her head to try to squash the old ones. Even though she knew that was something that could never be done.

Today, she had managed to stumble upon an intricate set of caves, and immediately chose one at random to explore. After all, it did not matter how she distracted herself, so long as she did. And so the fox padded inside, her little nose raised to check out her surroundings as her small black paws were met with the coolness of stone. It smelled strange in here, of minerals the woman had no experience with. And somewhere, deep inside, her large ears picked up on the sound of trickling water. Perhaps a spring inside? She ventured a bit deeper, pushing her luck in this near darkness. But hey, curiosity killed the cat. No one ever said anything about a fox.