
Helplessly {Aw}


05-30-2016, 11:37 PM

He had almost made it, when the calling of his full name stopped him in his tracks. The boy swallowed hard around the rabbit, looking up with wide eyes at his mother. She asked him if he stole the rabbit from the woman, and he looked back down at her. Putting on his big boy face, he dropped the rabbit and shook his head back and forth. Better lie his butt off so he could keep the food. "Ninguna madre, me atrapó a mí mismo! Y entonces se corre e intenta tomarla y dice que es la suya! Pero lo tengo!" Pheonix said quickly, his eyes shifting to the side. It wasn't fully a lie, he had caught it. Caught it away from her. So, it was the truth, right? Right!

When she spoke, he turned towards the red marked female and narrowed his eyes. She was talking awfully fast, but there were a few words he picked up. Brat. What was a brat? His head tilted to the side, but he decided that he didn't like her tone. His hackles raised and he snarled at her, spit dribbling from his lips. "Don't talk! You mean! Food mine!" he barked quickly, jumping on his paws like a fluffed up, angry cat. He picked up the rabbit again and looked at Carletta, looking for her to move so they could go home. This was his food now! He would pee on it if he had do, don't test him!